Dribble Bar without Macerator
Unique spring loaded TRAMSPREAD Pinch Valves balance the pressure in the boom before allowing slurry to the ground, thus giving even distribution. To change from Dribble to Twin Nozzle Spread, simply fold each dribble hose around its respective pinch valve. This effectively closes off all dribble outlets. Remove end caps and fix in place the 90° nozzle bodies and Bauer spread nozzles.
6m & 7m
- Pinch valves on dribble outlets regulate distribution
- Galvanised tubular booms allow twin spread nozzle option
- Hydraulic vertical folding
- Auto transport safety latches with securing pins
- Twin spread nozzle kit including valves for left & right shut off (optional)
- Easy universal attachment to tanker
TRAMSPREAD Suffolk Tanker Dribble Bars
- Joskin distributor / macerator
- Galvanised tubular booms allow twin spread nozzle option
- Hydraulic vertical folding
- Auto transport safety latches with securing pins
- Designed to accept flowmeter and manure sensor
- Twin spread nozzle kit including valves for left & right shut off (optional)
- Purge outlet with spread nozzle (optional)
Easy universal attachment to tanker
7m, 7.5m, 8m, 9m and 12m
- Vogelsang ECQ distributor / macerator
- Galvanised, heavy duty construction
- Hydraulic vertical folding
- Auto transport safety latches with securing pins
- Designed to accept flowmeter and manure sensor
- Purge outlet with spread nozzle (optional)
- Easy universal attachment to tanker
- Available in widths from 3m to 7.74m
- Injector with cutting skids
- Working depth from 0 to 3cm
- Galvanised frame
- Galvanised free steering elements made up of self-sharpening shares
- Joskin macerator / distributor
- Hydraulic vertical folding
- Auto transport safety latches
- Easily converted for umbilical use
The trailing shoe places the slurry where it is needed below the crop canopy, so the chance of scorch and odour emission is virtually non-existent, and the nutrient uptake is much higher.